HomeSellers August 7, 2024

Downsizing? Here are 7 Ways to Streamline the Process

Downsizing can seem quite daunting at first glance. Whether you’re thinking of selling your house and moving to a smaller home or you want to declutter and simplify your life, there are strategies that can help you streamline the process. Here are seven great ways to help you get started and achieve your downsizing goals.

1. Don’t Confuse Organizing with Decluttering

Organizing your home is important, but it’s important to remember that decluttering is not organizing. Putting everything in the best place is very different than getting rid of things you don’t want or need. Before you even get started, it’s important to be clear about your goals. If you are trying to dip your toe into a minimalist lifestyle or get ready to move into a smaller home, you need to declutter, not simply rearrange things to make them look nice. It’s time to part ways with the extra stuff that is no longer being used, isn’t wanted, or is crowding areas of your home, creating hassles, stress, and actual clutter. The last thing you want to do is spend hours organizing when you really need to be decluttering.

2. Set a Timer and Pick One Thing

To get started, simply pick one drawer, closet, or cabinet. Next, label one box “donate” and another box “save.” Then, set a 30-minute timer and get moving. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in one short but focused block of time.  When debating about whether to keep or donate items, ask yourself if you really still like them and if you would buy them again. If the answer is no, it goes into the donation pile.

3. Use the One-Year Rule

Sometimes, we get into the habit of saving old clothes, kitchen gadgets, and other things because we think we might use them someday. If you apply the one-year rule, you’ll be able to donate much more. The rule is if you haven’t used an item in the past year, then you can probably live without it. Sure, most of us have sentimental items that we want to hold onto and haven’t necessarily used in the past year, but try fitting all of that in a few designated storage bins.

4. Use Technology to Declutter

Files, folders, and old photos can take up a lot of space. Consider scanning important documents and photos so that you can hold onto digital copies. By doing so, you free up physical space and make it easier to find what you need.

5. Measure Furniture and Appliances Before Moving

If you’re moving to a smaller house, townhome, or condo, be sure to measure your furniture and appliances in advance so you know exactly what will fit where and what you need to donate or sell. The last thing you need is to load up a moving truck with an extremely heavy washing machine or piano only to realize it won’t really fit anywhere in your new home based on the layout and dimensions.

6. Consider Creative Storage Solutions

You may want to buy some new multifunctional furniture that optimizes the use of smaller spaces. There are many furniture pieces that offer creative storage solutions. Sofa beds provide sitting space for you and sleeping space for guests, while cabinet beds can be comfy and offer a sleek storage unit for a home office or living room. Additionally, storage benches are perfect for entryways, bedrooms, or hallways. When selecting this type of furniture, you want to make sure it fits your lifestyle and maximizes space. Other creative ways to store needed items include installing shelves in your bathroom(s) and garage, hanging pots and pans to free up cabinet space, and buying closet organizers.

7. Ask for Help or Hire Professionals

Downsizing and the entire process of moving is a big deal. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You may have a trusted friend or helpful family member who can help you declutter, pack, and stay organized. That person might also be able to help you move boxes and furniture on moving day. Even someone to help label things and break down your to-do list into smaller, more manageable tasks can be very useful. You want to reduce stress in whatever way you can to focus on the positives of this big life change. So, this may mean hiring moving professionals. If you aren’t sure who to hire in your area, your local Realtor is a great resource. Local real estate agents often have strong networks and can offer great recommendations. Many can also provide moving tips and other resources. They are well-versed in this process, and our highly rated, local Windermere agents are always happy to help.

Downsizing doesn’t have to be a dreaded word. By starting early, having a focused approach, and utilizing these strategies, you can create a more organized, peaceful living space.